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Honeysuckle oil 2 dram


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Capturing the essence of the plant of the same name, our Honeysuckle Oil contains many of those same traditional powers and properties, making it a great aid in numerous spells and rituals. In many traditions, it is known for its power to increase psychic ability, making it a great aid in spells and rituals involving psychic and mental endeavors, particularly those involving dreams, with its most common purpose being to create erotic dreams. Furthermore, it is also well known for its ability to increase one's intuition involving financial powers, making it a great aid in spells and rituals of money drawing or as part of a blessing before undertaking an important financial endeavor. When seeking to represent or draw upon astrological signs, you can also use Honeysuckle oil to represent or draw upon the astrological signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. You can also use it in your rituals and spells as a representative of the element of Water. This is a 2 dram bottle of anointing oil, for external use only.