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Archangel Fire Oracle By Alexandra Wenman


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Each of the 40 full-color, high-vibration cards features an Archangel and the healing color ray or sacred flame that that angel embodies. The deck includes a balance of masculine, feminine, androgynous, and multicultural angels in celebration of humanitys diversity. In the accompanying book, gifted angel communicator Alexandra Wenman explores how the Archangels interact with us and how they work with and within us. She provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangels powers and benefits, sacred symbols, colors, star constellation, and chakra energies. She also reveals the crystals and essential oils you can use to resonate with each Archangels energies and offers a beautiful message to connect directly with each Divine Guide. The author shares exercises and visualizations to help you channel your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, purify your lower self and remove energetic blockages, and initiate the alchemical process to reunite with your Divine higher self. With the Archangel Fire Oracle, you have a hands-on tool to connect with the angels, access their guidance and support, open your heart to love and healing, and reach the rainbow light of your own Divinity. A 5" x 6.75" Box with 40 cards and a 144 page guidebook.